PriusMED adds Clinical Advisors

Two Medical Doctors join the Board


PriusMED is excited to announce the addition of Dr. Rodica DiLorenzo and Dr. Sebastian Kurz as clinical advisors to the team. With their vast expertise in multiple healthcare organizations – Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Tufts Medical, Case Western Reserve, Yale University, Mass. General, Mount Sinai, NYU and more – they both bring an immeasurable value to our cause.

ICU experience, as well as ER, from Stroke to post-surgery care: the varying fields of medical specialization require different parameters, functionality, usability options. To guide us through the tasks and polish a product for Hospitals, EMS, Physicians, and Patients alike we need their invaluable input.

We feel highly comfortable going forward with these two new advisors on our side and are glad they agreed to support us.

Welcome to the team!

PriusMED - the clinical telemedicine platform.

Vitals & video streaming services; broadcasting, recording, review, and annotation of streaming vitals alongside multi-participant 2-way audio-video teleconferencing.

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