medTALK: first responder’s mobile gateway
medVIEW: transport team’s mobile viewer
medASSIST: remote specialist’s dashboard

Patient's vitals on tablet


A simple smartphone web application aggregates and encrypts audio and video sourced from the smartphone's webcams with real time streaming vitals received from a nearby monitor over Bluetooth.

The app then replays these streams to our secure cloud-hosted hub while receiving an encrypted audio backchannel allowing the first responder to receive verbal instructions from the remote specialists.

Some configurations include encrypted video backchannels for supplemental visual instructions, and yet others can include an augmented-reality headset projection feature to visually guide first responders while assisting patients.

EMT on the way to an emergency call
EMT in Ambulance using priusmed medView


A simple tablet web application with a dual personality, medView is usually mounted inside an ambulance and can act as a “large screen” viewer for the streaming images and vitals sourced from a first responder’s medTalk-equipped smartphone.

Sourced while assisting a patient outside the ambulance but can also take over the aggregation of the monitor-sourced vitals with video from its own webcam when the patient is loaded into the ambulance or aerial transport, and all the way during the trip.

When set up as a streaming aggregator, medVIEW can also be used as a patient-facing consultation terminal in post-hospital, community paramedicine, or assisted living applications.


A simple desktop / laptop / tablet web application allows any remote medical specialists registered with the same medical group to join an active ASSIST session when summoned.

While connected, specialists can view the first responder-sourced audio-video side-by-side with the patient's streaming vitals while providing verbal or visual assistance to the first responder, and request assistance from additional medical specialists if needed.

Some configurations allow the remote specialists to pause / replay / rewind / fast forward the session's audio-video-vitals for instant replay of significant events, control the monitoring parameters remotely, and record the entire session in the cloud for future reference.

Physician in assist call discussing patient vitals